

SEPTEMBER 1st, 2098

FIRST DAY OF THE BLOG !!!! It was really tough figuring out the html but i think it turned out really good! I’m helping my mom make stew tonite which I’m really looking forward to! Jackie recommended I download rise of the triad bc it has a really good OST so I’m DEFINITELY gonna check it out after dinner.

Today wasn’t super excited but that’s mainly bc I’ve just been huddled over my laptop all day LOLOLOL. I’m not looking forward to school starting back up in a few days… It’s crazy how it’s my second to last year though!!!!

I’m gonna do a video of the day thing where I recommend cool videos I find on YouStream. Hope you guys like it!!

Video Of The Day:

SEPTEMBER 7th, 2098

It’s Labour Day!!!! I’ll take any day off from school that I can!! ALSO!!!! On Friday, I told my English teacher abt my brand new news website and he said I might be eligible for an internship at JiKos Press if I work hard enough at English!! WTF?!?!?!? That would be HUGE!!!!!!

Wish me luck!! I’m gonna put my nose to the grindstone and hopefully get a spot!!! I’m also gonna do some poking around the Hermes Circuit, I heard there’s weeeeeird stuff happening around there and I wanna know what!! Also going skateboarding with Jackie later. YAHOO!!!

Video Of The Day:

SEPTEMBER 13th, 2098

I bought the Blade Runner adventure game after hearing good things about it!!! I’ve never actually watched Blade Runner tho, so maybe I should so I can understand the world better??? It’s another one of those weird “imagine the world if ROBOTS were REAL” games that came out in the 90s but robots are real now and have been for like fifty years so all of that speculative fiction is cute at best and controversial at worst. At least it’s not as bad as the Durandal discourse I’ve seen. arg arg arg arg

School is BORINGGGG but I want to apply to that JiKos internship so I’ve been trying not to skip or anything. I did it wayyy too much when I was 15 and got in a lot of trouble for it oopssssss lolz. English is fun tho. My teacher rocks. Gonna try out the Blade Runner game once it’s finished downloading and I’m done with my homework.

Video Of The Day:

SEPTEMBER 17th, 2098

Blade Runner is a good game!! Except for the fact that I’m pretty bad at adventure games… oops lol. This is why I stick to FPS!! I tried Grim Fandango once and it nearly broke me!!!

Had an argument with Jackie today over something stupid I don’t even remember. I feel kind of bad… I was kind of an asshole. I’m gonna gift Jackie some energy drinks as an apology. Sorry if you see this :(

Spent most of my day in an old abandoned building in New Pyrrhic that nobody ever goes into. I should probably get a tetanus shot soon, just in case… :P New Pyrrhic is GREAT for finding new stories to drop, but it’s also MEGA DANGEROUS, since it’s basically a gang warzone, and also corporate warzone. Basically a warzone for everyone except the actual military. I didn’t see anything today, though. LAME

Gonna use a guide to finish Blade Runner l8r… it’s too hard for me, but I wanna figure some stuff out too. Saw a review of Mystery of the Druids too, so I think I’m gonna look for that on Pixelblood!

Video Of The Day:

SEPTEMBER 24th, 2098

School is going good!! My teacher said he can start work on getting me that internship at JiKos which is REALLY exciting. Hopefully I can keep this on the down low, tho… I don’t want to be limited by corporate media !!!! I want to report everything I find, even the scary stuff. I think it’s important to be able to speak your mind without being given the boot at your job!! (I MEAN LIKE CORPORATE STUFF. NOT BEING AN ASSHOLE. DONT BE AN ASSHOLE!!!!)

Jackie & I made up a few days ago, btw. We’re ALL GOOD! Our other friend Babs said she was sick of us fighting so it’s thanks to her we’re not fighting anymore lolololz love u babs. I’m writing this blog update before heading out for pizza with them both :P We’re gonna get takeout and then watch some live practice races at Hermes. Babs has a HUGE crush on Antoine LOLZ

Video Of The Day:

SEPTEMBER 29th, 2098

Lame day today. ASSHOLES at school made fun of Babs bc of her bug augments. She chooses to keep the bug stuff bc she likes it, it’s ON PURPOSE, it’s not that she’s “too poor” for the aesthetic augments, and not like it would be any problem even if she was?!?! Imagine being that much of a prick in high school. Ughhhhh.

Luckily, your knight in froggy armour was there to fend those creeps off. In a platonic way, I mean. Wait, do I sound like one of those white knight guys?!?! SHITTT lolol she’s just my buddy. Either way, Babs wasn’t having it either— honestly she did more to scare them off than I did!!

She’s taller than me, anyhow. & more intimidating (part of why she got the bug augments). I guess I’m not that scary in general haha

Video Of The Day: